Express Loan
An express loan from Five Star is a much better alternative to a payday loan that would not be in your best interest long-term. Some membership criteria must be met before this loan can be granted. but the process is quick and easy! You can add the Express Loan in the mobile banking app or online banking.
Personal Line of Credit
This type of loan can be used for almost anything under the sun, from vacation to debt consolidation. A line of credit offers a low interest rate and can be used all at once or over time as needed.
Share Secured Loan
This is a great option if you need cash but don't want to deplete your savings, or if you wish to establish credit or repair existing credit. Since the loan is secured by funds on deposit at Five Star Share Account, you are essentially borrowing the money from yourself at a low interest rate.
Want to learn more about Five Star’s loan options? Contact us or visit one of our Alabama and Georgia financial centers.
Five Star Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with locations in Alabama and Georgia, serving members nationwide.